Tuesday, July 27, 2010

The end of the pilgrimage, yet the beginning of our journey!

Taken in Sequoia National Park. Looking up into God's beautiful creations!!

As you scroll through this blog, realize that you are starting from the end of our journey, and going back to the beginning. At the bottom of each page is a link to go to older posts. Please follow the link and learn more about the pilgrimage of these wonderful youth.

This pilgrimage was about seeking God in new faces, and new places. During this journey they had to learn how to deal with others around them, their environment, their circumstances, and their frustrations, all outside their personal comfort zones. As one of the leaders on this journey, I can tell you there were frustrating times, but there were also joyous, laughing, happy times. God was with us during all of it! I observed a growth not only in their relationship with God, but with each other, and within themselves! I was privileged to witness this transformation.

This pilgrimage was a huge success. The kids either connected or reconnected with God, created lifelong friendships and found out more about themselves in the process. As you look at this blog, see the pictures, read the lessons learned, the silly quotes of the day, the "aha" moments, the service projects performed. Know that this pilgrimage was a journey, that I am certain will continue for many years to come.

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